…last week in a few of the classes I touched on the role of your dosha in your yoga practice, so as promised here is a short quiz to determine your dominant dosha x Michelle Discover Your Dosha Select the trait under each category that most applies to you. Height Tall or very short Medium… Continue reading Discover Your Dosha Quiz
Category: Uncategorized
Ayurveda and Asana
Here is an article about yoga and ayurveda, a subject we touched on in class this week, looking at the doshas as part of our current theme on ‘balance’. The following article is by Mark Halpern and was publshed in Yoga Journal. Ayurveda and Asana Ayurveda can shed light on the practice of yoga. Have… Continue reading Ayurveda and Asana
Why bother with the breath?
Learning to rediscover your essential breath has many benefits, including…. quietens mental and emotional fluctuations massages internal organs esp heart strengthens the lungs improves circulatory system make the process of eliminating toxins more efficient (the lungs are organs of excretion) alleviates insomnia alleviates constipation ….so lie down and observe your breath, it is the key… Continue reading Why bother with the breath?
Inhale Exhale
Inhale, Exhale Relax: an article on how the use of breathwork can alleviate stress by Richard Rosen Sooner or later, most of us feel a little depressed or anxious, and certainly all of us know what it’s like to feel tired. There are many different ways of treating these feelings, from exercise to meditation, from… Continue reading Inhale Exhale
Take a deep breath
Our theme through October is working with the breath and coming to an understanding of our natural and essential breath. This article by Julie Gudmestad is a lovely explanation of the breath…. Take a Deep Breath With each breath you take, a symphony of muscular activity occurs. As you inhale, some muscles contract while others… Continue reading Take a deep breath
Feet First
Throughout September we will be learning how to use the feet and ankles correctly and build all our poses from the feet up. I found the following article very helpful in explaining the actions of the feet and how they relate to our yoga asanas…have a read… Feet First by Julie Gudmestad If you want… Continue reading Feet First
Give Me Strength
Here is an article by Sally Kempton entitled “Give Me Strength” that brings some interesting ideas about the gunas out in a very clear way. Through August in class we will be exploring the three gunas or qualities, tamas (inertia) rajas (passion) and sattwa (peace)…you may find this illuminating…happy reading! Give Me Strength by Sally… Continue reading Give Me Strength
You can break free
Carrying on with the theme of the Samskara’s that we will be contemplating through June, here is an article by a yoga teacher and psychologist, Bo Forbes, sharing her blueprint for transforming negative habits You can break free . As a yoga teacher, I see several archetypes in my classroom, yet none so disquieting as… Continue reading You can break free
Understanding The Samskaras
Over the remainder of June we will be exploring the Samskaras in class, so i thought you might get something out of this article which is an excerpt from “Change For Good” Sally Kempton Samskaras Free yourself from destructive emotional patterns and behaviour. We can help you do it with these six simple steps. There… Continue reading Understanding The Samskaras
The Klesha’s a quick guide
In class we have begun an exploration of the Klesha’s (obstacles) to living a soulful life…here is a quick overview… The Klesha’s According to the Yoga Sutra (Book II), there are five kleshas, or afflictions, that can sidetrack you in your quest for spiritual evolution. AVIDYA The inability to see things for what they are;… Continue reading The Klesha’s a quick guide