Here is an article by one of my favourite writers/yoga teachers Judith Hanson Lasater on the subject of the Yamas that we have been looking at in class over the past few weeks Beginning the Journey By Judith Hanson Lasater Patanjali, the author of the Yoga Sutra written some two centuries after the life of… Continue reading Studying The Yamas
The Pondering Yogini – Ahimsa
…here are the words from last weeks classes, my thoughts on AHIMSA: to cause no harm….. Yoga is a choice: to live positively. To take care of the body, to become reacquainted with the breath to step off the merry go round of stress that is driven by our ego, our ignorance, our attachment to… Continue reading The Pondering Yogini – Ahimsa
Aggravated Vata energy
..continuing our theme of bringing ourselves into line with the slower rhythm of nature that comes with the deepening Autumn, here is a short article by Niika Quistgard entitled “Gotta Lotta Vata”, that may be of interest to you xx Michelle As the cool chill of winter descends, do you find yourself more anxious, flighty,… Continue reading Aggravated Vata energy
Season of change Autumn gets underway we have been looking in class at ways we can bring ourselves into line with the slower energy of the earth at this time of year, and prepare ourselves for a winter of wellness. Here is an article by Hillari Dowdle entitled “Season of Change” that will give you some good… Continue reading Season of change
Take a Deep Breath
…following our focus on the breath in class through October, here is an excerpt from an article by Julie Gudmestad, entitled “Take a Deep Breath” Take a Deep Breath With each breath you take, a symphony of muscular activity occurs. As you inhale, some muscles contract while others relax. The result is an expanded space… Continue reading Take a Deep Breath
Yoga and religion: the storm continues
……here we go again…..a few years ago there was a storm that began in a teacup when a yoga teacher had her classes discontinued in a church hall as the religious organisation involved in the case felt that the philosophy of yoga was at odds with christianity……interesting…..and THEN came the knee jerk reactions as churches… Continue reading Yoga and religion: the storm continues
The sides of the body: lateral flexion
Hi Yoga people, as we are working on the sides of the body through September, I thought I would post up the Egyptian Salutation, which includes lateral flexion (side bending) and spinal rotation (twisting) both of which do not feature in a traditional salutation to the sun… Michelle
Don’t Hurry – Be Happy!
…following on from our overview of the Brahamviharas of Buddhism, this week we looked at what stops us being in the present moment…this inspiring article by Christina Feldman from the Yoga Journal website, gives some insight into one reason so many of us may have difficulty…… Don’t Hurry Be Happy By Christina Feldman Like a… Continue reading Don’t Hurry – Be Happy!
The Brahmavihara’s: cultivating equanimity
…we have been looking in class at the ‘four immeasurables’ from Buddhism, loving kindness, compassion, empathetic joy, and equanimity, here is an article by Frank Jude Boccio on the subject…. Calm within: cultivating equanimity By Frank Jude Boccio A lot of people I know avoid reading the paper first thing in the morning—being confronted with… Continue reading The Brahmavihara’s: cultivating equanimity
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
…as we have been touching on the philosphical application of contentment whilst we work in forward folds, I thought I would give you a broad overview of how our physical yoga practice fits into the bigger picture. I would recommend that any serious yoga student gets hold of a copy of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. You… Continue reading The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali